This was a huge project…
we had Team A and B, shooting was in Nairobi and Mombasa. i wasn’t on the Mombasa Crew
There was so much to do in Art Department we had almost 2 weeks prep.
The director was so specific on props and particulars on spaces he wanted it was almost impossible to achieve.
Anyway for the scene where the lady is selling tomatoes, i was in Marikiti at 3am ordering the first fresh bunch of tomatoes for the display, on top of that the director wanted leaves from the tomatoes like a germinating one… WE USED A PIN TO MAKE ONE!! That Umbrella, we went to a market bought a new umbrella and looked for someone to exchange with, the lady literally thought we were from Naswa!
Then we had to make and remake thAT LIAON SCULPTURE over and over again! and it was a life size one!! Mayooo.
That KCB Kibanda didn’t exist! we made a foldable one Woi!
UIII lets not ever talk about that green house!So it was empty, i planted and nothing grew so fake leaves and sprayed round things make the tomato green house.I also used some real ones pinned with binding wire!
That banking hall was at a construction site….. YES REWIND AND RE WATCH THAT! i bought white PVC! I made the couches!the partition! The Tables EVERYTHING!!
That Techy room!! Still a construction site! we made everything!
I loved working with Dale Kotengo on this one, he left me halfway for another project,this challenge found me at 5 months pregnant!! AND I DID IT!