
ART Started..

When i was looking for an attachment to finish my Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication at St Paul’s University, I tweeted about it and a friend referred me to her friend, who eventually called me up so I could try my hand in production.

‘Me i tell you!!!!’ I was bila clue on anything concerning this sort of set up, so after my interview i knew, ‘wacha nijipe shughuli’ and continued looking for another place for attachment.

Long story short I was called back and i started working on…… okay i don’t know because for real i don’t know lol! I just sat there and typed many things; names and contacts and made a lot of photocopies, a lot of printing blah blah blah….same thing daily.

One day a dude walked into our office–the brilliant Dylan Llyod! I’m not fascinated by white people or anything like that, but his style just got me. He had like a really cool snap back made of African fabric, some cool pants and kicks and i was like FINALLY!! Eye candy kwa ofisi; now am entertained.

I wasn’t only on the eye candy vibe!!! by the way… am kidogo focused. I got interested in what he was planning, drawing, talking about and i would sometimes ‘in between my photocoping, printing sessions’ sneak to his desk and just ask him stupid question. Both to entertain my self ‘because you know eyecandy’ and really curious on what he was up to at the same time.

Office had meaning now, i would look forward to learning something new daily, and one day he told me, “You think what i do is cool?” I was like TOTALLY can i do it…. he asked around the office because i needed approval to move departments and finally after a few days moved from the Production office to ART DEPARTMENT.

First thing Dylan asked  ‘You love shopping? and for the people who know me then this is an answer in itself, and i knew i had come to my department of choice. I was super excited my ears and eyes were everywhere so as not to miss a thing.

I was now working on one of the biggest TV Series to hit the screens,’ the irony her was, one day i was dreaming of being the best news anchor and the next am behind the scene making TV interesting, but that didn’t matter anymore, i was going to be shopping all day, whoooop!! no better feeling.

and that’s when art started…..